Saturday, January 8, 2011

Daily writing prompts for the third week of January

Daily writing prompts are a great way to get the creative mind working, The ones that you will find on these pages are mainly story starters, Themes or picture prompts, all are things that I use on regular basis to not only inspire my writing, but sometimes to simply explore my writing skill to see if I can complete the writing task outlined.
So if you have never used a writing prompt before I highly encourage you to have a look through the growing number on my blog and challenge yourself today!

Daily creative writing prompts for the 15th of January
Choose one of the following writing prompts
Daily story starters
Write a short story of least 750 words using one of the opening lines from below

“I never want to see you again”…
Slipping through the door…

Writing theme
Write a poem or a short story based on one of the following themes
Foreign skies
Devil’s kiss

Write a poem based on the above picture prompts

Daily creative writing prompts for the 16th of January
Choose one of the following writing prompts
Daily story starters
Write a short story of least 750 words using one of the opening lines from below

Slamming her foot hard down on the brake…
If only I knew when they moved in…

Writing theme
Write a ballad or a short adventure story on one of the following themes
Cursed Gold
Write a short horror story using the above picture prompt

Daily creative writing prompts for the 17th of January
Choose one of the following writing prompts
Daily story starters
Write a short story of least 750 words using one of the opening lines from below

The villagers screamed their hatred…
Fire burned everywhere she looked…

Writing theme
Write a poem or a short story based on one of the following themes
Sinful delight
Mothers embrace

write a poem using the above picture prompt

Daily creative writing prompts for the 17th of January
Choose one of the following writing prompts
Daily story starters
Write a short romance story of least 750 words using one of the opening lines from below

If anybody was out of his league it was her…
It had been years since she last seen him…

Writing theme
Write a poem or a short story, based on one of the following themes
Veiled eyes

Write a short story inspired by the above picture prompt

Daily creative writing prompts for the 18th of January
Choose one of the following writing prompts
Daily story starters
Write a short story of least 750 words using one of the opening lines from below
“Give me back my son”…
The fence was broken…

Writing theme
Write a poem or a short story, based on one of the following themes
Sins of the father
Chained Angel
Write a erotic poem inspired by the above picture prompt

Daily creative writing prompts for the 19th of January
Choose one of the following writing prompts
Daily story starters
Write a short Horror story of least 750 words using one of the opening lines from below
The clock had stopped ticking…
Hidden in the darkness, I prayed…

Writing theme
Write a poem or a short story, based on one of the following themes
Chasing a dream

Write a short story based on the above picture prompt

Daily creative writing prompts for the 20th of January
Choose one of the following writing prompts
Daily story starters
Write a short story of least 750 words using one of the opening lines from below

Grandma’s chest wasn’t meant to be touched…
The body fell hard as the car sped off…

Writing theme
Write a poem or a short story, based on one of the following themes
Write a poem or a ballad depicting the story behind this picture

Daily creative writing prompts for the 21th of January
Choose one of the following writing prompts
Daily story starters
Write a short story of least 750 words using one of the opening lines from below

The path seemed to wind forever…
It was a beautiful day to die…

Writing theme
Write a poem or a short story, based on one of the following themes
Criminally insane
Pirate ship

Write a short story inspired by the above picture prompt

                                                                     Happy Writing!!

In case you missed my previous posts
Daily writing prompts for the first week of January

Daily writing prompts for the second week of January

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